October 2012

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June 5th, 2012

[info]wiltedlily in [info]biltmoreestate

So this girl has been talking in my head a lot lately so I figured it was time to find a comm for her. Hopefully this could be it as there are all sorts of supernatural things afoot here. I would like to get some lines for her and see if anyone is even interested in her before I app and rework her bio though.

This pretty little girl is Lily Rose Dodjson. She is 17 and lives with her father, an NPC who is a doctor. She has been diagnosed with schizophrenia but I believe it is more because she can't make sense of the things she sees or feels. She can see Auras, seeing bright colors when there weren't supposed to be them was the first symptom of her schizophrenia. She can generally tell, given the fact she's started to hone that skill or believes she has, she can tell what species people are. She also has the ability to see the future, at least some aspects of the future, and generally they are short term. No she can't tell you tomorrows lottery numbers, or if you're going to get hit by the bus. The feelings she has are usually good or bad. And most often are cryptic in nature. She does have a very keen sense on whether babies are going to be boys or girls though and has never been wrong in that aspect.

Lily is generally pretty vulnerable and socially awkward. She was molested as a tween by her stepfather who was also physically abusive. The family disfunction reached its tip when her older brother tried to defend himself against their stepdad. In a fit of rage, her mother and brother ended up murdered, and she was raped. Somehow she ended up calling the cops and saving herself, though to late for her family. Her stepfather escaped and was never found. Because of everything Lily is pretty distant from everyone, that and the fact she missed alot of school because of her mental illness.

She generally communicates over instant messengers or through journals. Being around to many people is hard on her. She also writes stories, sort of like fairy tales, to explain her life or her visions. I think thats mostly how she tells the things she sees for the future. Like if a cop is going to get hurt, she'd talk about a knight being wounded in battle. People could either know or not know who they were in her stories. Im sure if you asked she'd tell you.

Um, I think thats the gist of her. I would like a friend or two for her. Someone who thinks she's vulnerable and needs their protection. People who don't like her gift. People she can predict things for. We would of course work that out first :) But really anything guys. I hope some of you might have some use for her.

[info]starlightswag in [info]biltmoreestate

Hey guys! This is Paimon's daughter Behira and she'll be new to Asheville. She's 3,473 and was raised mostly in Hell. She's almost always been with her father, excepting a few solitary travels, and is just like him. She's mini-Trick and she knows all of his tricks well. Behira is pretty laid back when she's in a good mood, and she's very loving of the sins and anyone her father cares for. She does have a tendency to be catty, and spiteful to most other people and thinks demons better than anyone else. She has little patience for anything she views as stupidity or ignorance, and she loves a party. There is nothing redeemable about her and she's quite content with her life.

So throw me lines and let's plot!

[info]freyj in [info]biltmoreestate

hello! i thought i'd do one of these before my intro. this is the norse goddess freyja, who is operating under the alias professor anna njordsdóttir (which i have to copy and paste every damn time). she teaches (what else) old norse studies and is coming to UNCA to teach a series of summer workshops on old norse literature, which she's not really expecting anyone to take - in truth, she's drawn to asheville for its reputation as a supernatural mecca, not to mention the presence of ~shanke, with whom she has a history.

she's more distant and slightly less extroverted than she was in the days of asgard, but she is still, at her core, generous, kind, and strong - but with a zero tolerance for bullshit and a temper that'll mess you up, not to mention a kind of superiority complex that comes with being, you know, a god. she's also got an incredible lack of any notion of sexual morality and is very free with her sexual favors (it's seriously right out of the myths, y'all!). although she's only a relatively recent arrival i'd love to work stuff out if anyone's up for lines or connections!