October 2012

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June 2nd, 2012

[info]shanke in [info]biltmoreestate

Good afternoon, all! I am attempting to see if I could gain a few connections for this young, inexperienced, but powerful black witch. Or just a general desire to have her be part of your community.

Her name is Sadie Hanke (ank-uh), she is twenty-six years old, and was born in South Africa. She comes from a long line of witches dating back to the mid-16th century in Wales. The first in the bloodline was a white witch who was scorned by her husband and true love when she found him to be siring children with the women of the brothel. In a terrible rage she attempted to curse him so that he would die without true love, her love. It backfired ten times over because he was wearing a charm and her curse flipped back on her and with such strength that it would apply to all who would carry her blood. With one important change; when a witch of her bloodline found true love one of them was sure to die. It was almost always the husbands that died, a witch's will to live being to strong. The family turned to black magic to try and lift the curse from their blood but were seduced by it instead and never wandered back to the side of light.

She was raised by her father in South Africa, her mother having committed suicide rather than have to experience the grief of losing her husband and having to raise a child that would be doomed to never know happiness for long. Her mother had fled the life she had always known of magic and spells for a life of love with her college boyfriend and left Sadie's great-grandmother and grandmother worrying for her, until they got the news she was dead. They followed with a close eye Sadie as she grew up though Sadie never knew they existed. She started showing signs of magical inclination at a young age and her father had no idea how to help her. He tried. As Sadie grew into adolescence her father remarried a lovely woman and they moved to France to be with her. The marriage lasted three years before Sadie's obvious differences and the unexplainable "accidents" were too much for her stepmother.

They moved to Massachusetts and a white witch agreed to try and help Sadie get a better grip on her powers but she was never able to do so. Sadie's father fell madly in love with the white witch and they married. Sadie felt as if she were in the way and as soon as she turned eighteen she left for university. She attended Stanford and obtained a masters in European History with a minor in Art. During her time in California her father had another child with his new wife, a son. He was scarcely four years old when his parents, Sadie's father and stepmother, were killed in a car accident. Sadie became the boy's primary care-giver and took on the responsibilities that came with it and the hardships of dealing with an autistic child.

Three months ago Sadie's grandmother, who owned an antiques store in Asheville, passed away and left her the house, the store, and a small fortune if she would just come and live there. Sadie accepted and for the last two months she has been getting settled in. She has reopened the antiques store (that handles a lot of mystical and magical objects, unbeknownst to her) and is slowly exploring her family's history and uncovering the secrets behind the strange and unusual things that have been happening her whole life. By day she is a loving, patient sister and a bored antiques dealer that spends most of her time dusting and researching the objects in her store. By night she is a fledgling witch that is years behind in honing her craft that has far too much power coursing through her veins and very little control.

That was all very tl;dr, oh my gosh. Please just take away from this that Sadie is new to town, though her family is not, and she's a powerful black witch that doesn't have a clue as to what she is doing.

[info]mikka in [info]biltmoreestate

I would like to bring in this girl as Belphegor, the Demon over the sin of Sloth. Don't let her adorable looks and baby-charms fool you. She is trouble personified, ruthless, cunning and wildly deadly.

A lot of people take sloth to mean laziness but obviously sins can be viewed in different lights and different conclusions drawn to their meaning. I see her sin as more Peter Pan Syndrome. Mikka likes games and toys and obviously to puppet people as such and her goal in life is to get people to skirt their responsibilities by playing into their childish sides. With her attitude, she can get you to think murder, mayhem and crime are super fun games and certainly better than whatever it was you were being made to do to begin with. Mikka's job is to make you forget your responsibilities and to not have a care in the world except for yourself so she loves to give you temptation to procrastinate and forget everything. She loves apathy and is rather apathetic to others.

I can use lines of all kinds and would love any feedback on her because I know it's quite a different take than what some people might be expecting from a sloth demon. I would especially love for her to know others who would like to have fun (ha, her version of 'fun' might be very different than yours).