October 2012

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April 26th, 2012

[info]davan in [info]biltmoreestate

So I've been meaning to do this for a while, but things have been kind of nuts, and I was out of town last weekend. But here I am!

I'm Harley! And these are my two boys. This guy I'm logged in on is Davan, he's immortal for some reason and will be hitting his 254th birthday. He lives with [info]paimon at his hotel and they have a sort of strange pet-lover-whatever relationship going. If he needs to, Davan will refer to the demon as his 'roommate' at most.
What he needs is pretty much anything, friends, bed partners, enemies, people to try and kill him... Throw anything at me you got. He loves books, candy and sex.
I'd love to get something with the demons and angels in game, as he's been attatched to Paimon for almost a hundred years now.

My second one is CB [info]chrisburnett. He's a bit less interesting in that he's just a normal human. His story is pretty generic, no parents and jumped from foster home to foster home until settling with a nice old lady in Florida. He's been on the move for the last few years and has a few brushes with the Supernaturals so he's not completely green when it comes to them. He's a bit of a bum and has only just settled in to a new apartment that is, apparently, completely shit.
He needs a job, friends to drink with... maybe a couple of the supernaturals he's run into before.