Big Gay Movies' Journal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in Big Gay Movies' InsaneJournal:

    Monday, July 30th, 2007
    11:14 am
    ADMIN: Clearing up a few things
    There was a post with a couple of questions from a member of the comm and I apologize for taking so long to answer them, but I've been busy with real life issues.

    Gay and Camp mainstream media is wonderful, but what about porn films?

    Porn films are open for discussion, as long as the reviews are behind a cut-tag and properly warned for. this asylum just for discussion, or can items be shared (locked posts for those obviously) here also?

    Posting links to share full-length movies is not something I'm not comfortable with, as it puts me (and the community) in danger of legal action.

    So... anyone seen any good GLBT movies lately?
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