June 24th, 2007

[info]velvetwhip in [info]bigbadfic

Drabble: Sometimes We Are Saved (Spike/Willow) FRT-13/PG-13

I actually wrote this last night, before I wrote It Will Always Be Raining, but I waited to post it until today because today is [info]shannon730's birthday and it seemed fitting to post on the day. I realize that it, too, is set post-NFA, but I hope there are enough differences to make it worthwhile. Shannon wanted Spillow and angst and she got both...except, it's sort of not quite Spillow, except that it is...you'll see what I mean when you read it.

I hope you like your prezzie, Shannon. You are all kinds of splendid and deserve the happiest possible birthday! I hope you know what an amazing, generous, fabulous, special lady you are!

Title: Sometimes We Are Saved

Author: Gabrielle

Pairing: Willow/Spike

Rating: FRT-13/PG-13

Word Count: 259

Summary: She's all he has left.

Feedback: Please.

Distribution: My LJ, my IJ, and my site only.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: This was written to celebrate the birthday of the unbelievably swell [info]shannon730

Sometimes We Are Saved )

[info]always_jbj in [info]bigbadfic

Ficlet ~ Things That Go Bump in the Night

Title: Things That Go Bump in the Night
Author: Always_jbj
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Warnings: Um...fluff?
Word Count: 391
Time frame:Early Ats S5
Summary - Angel's feeling a little paranoid.

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December 2007

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