September 9th, 2008

[info]picklesfilms in [info]beyondwonderlnd

RP Thread: Pickles and Finster

Who: Tommy and Kimi
Where: The Finster home.
What: Tommy's going to get some notes and share that funny video he won't let anyone else see yet. Just because he can.
When: September 9th. Evening.
Rating: PG.
Status: Completed.

Don'tcha just LOVE those embarrassing moments? )

[info]mystik_spiral in [info]beyondwonderlnd

RP Thread: Trent Lane and OTA

Who: Trent Lane and OTA (multiple characters welcomed)
When: 9pm
Where: The Bronze
Why: Mystik Spiral is playing tonight and Trent is waiting for the other band members to show up.
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

You don't have to stray The oceans away Waves roll in my thoughts... )

[info]janiesgotagun in [info]beyondwonderlnd

RP Thread: Jane and Daria.

Who: Jane Lane and Daria Morgendorffer
When: After school, around 4pm.
Where: Jane's house, specifically her bedroom.
What: Hanging out after school and before pizza. Talking about the craziness that is school and Jane's reluctance to update her journal.
Rating: PG, most likely.
Status: Incomplete; in progress.

Jane: Run down the list of causes you volunteer for again? Daria: I protested that book burning last year. Jane: You yelled at the TV screen. )