Feb. 27th, 2024



Another one!

I don't have a problem, what do you mean? >_>

This is Indira Desai, Indy to friends. She is going to be the History of Europe and Asia teacher, plus a fun elective/whatever class called World Mythology and Folklore. (She became a little obsessed with mythology after her powers manifested, unsurprisingly) Her codename is Medusa because, well, that is what she essentially is. She can transform into a Gorgon (snake lower body, female upper body, snake hair) She hates this form, though, so typically avoids it if she can. Luckily, she can use aspects of her powers without fully transforming (the petrifying gaze, the dermal armor in the form of scales, the poison bite/saliva/blood) She will most often be seen with an eye patch because 1: the petrifying gaze comes from one eye and it looks freaky AF because it's not rightly colored and 2: there are nasty scars around it from the time she tried to claw it out of her own face. Whoops.

Indy can be a bit blunt, a bit bitchy, very much the boss bitch in charge type who surrounds herself with armor to prevent people from getting close and therefore hurting her. She still has trauma from her first "molting" (where she shed her skin to come into full powers), at which time she hurt several people and then tried to claw out her eye because of guilt. She was sent to an institution for it, though a rep from Xavier's fortunately got her out of there after only a couple years. Indy stayed at the school until college, where she went off to get her history degree and just try and forget that she's a monster her parents are ashamed/scared of. She came back after college for a refresher in control and more training, then decided to take the offered teaching position.

As of now, she's just returning from a trip to Greece (for research, duh) so staff or the older ones will likely know her. Some kids might remember her too as she's only been gone like 3 or 4 years. Her full bio is here. We need all the lines please!!!

Feb. 19th, 2024



Okay! I know I'm late with this but the weekend was swallowed up by my Nintendo Switch and the new Mario vs. Donkey Kong game I bought. (Yes, I am a gamer geek, especially when it comes to all things Mario) Anyway, I'm clearly slacking because I only have ONE for you.

This is Tiberius Haggen, but since he likely has never told anyone his full name, you'd know him by Ty. Or Instinct as it's his codename. His powers are all animal/instinct based. He has animal morphing, pheromone manipulation, and animal telepathy. Ty was raised in a rich privileged lifestyle but it was not all fun and games as one might think. His father was very traditional, very "boys must be strong and in control and rigid, etc" He didn't like Ty's often flamboyant, over the top, dramatic behavior. He really didn't like it when he caught Ty kissing a boy, resulting in a very intense beating. Ty maintains that if his parents didn't want him to make out with boys, they shouldn't have sent him to private all-boy boarding schools, though. His powers manifested when he was 14 which was another huge blow against the "proper" image his father wanted to project from a son and so Ty was sent to a few "rehabilitation" centers to try and rid him of the X-Gene. No amount of conditioning could rid him of it, unfortunately (according to his parents) and Ty went to college to escape his father's reach. Although really, he did it so he could escape to Xavier's where he could take refuge and learn how to control his powers. He's been at school as a resident for a couple years now so most would know him, especially the residents.

The best description of Ty is chaotic bisexual. He is very flirtatious, very tactile, very pleasure/hedonistic desire driven, confident (bordering on cocky), etc. Pretty much having decided to embrace his primal instincts, no pun intended (yes, it is intended) Since he had to hide a lot of who he is from his father, he now doesn't feel inclined to hide or mince words. He had a bit of a bully streak in school as he was struggling with everything that may still manifest if he's in a bad mood or something huge happens but mostly he's charming, flirty, and definitely incorrigible. Be his friend! Be his FWB. Be his fling. Be his nemesis. Just....gimme lines!

Feb. 18th, 2024



lmao just one

Hey everybody, it's Jamie. I did not realize people were going to be SO INTENSE about apps this week so I only have one, oh well.

This is Daisy Lysikatos, she's an incoming sophomore and she can turn into a fox. Or a weird fox hybrid, which for some reason she's more embarrassed about. She's fun and social but also kind of competitive, which can lead to a bit of a mean girl streak! Not like Alisa levels, but definitely thoughtless. Also a big flirt, loves attention, likes to be liked. She's into dance and previously gymnastics, and will definitely be going out for the cheerleading squad immediately.

Her profile is here! Be her friend, or don't, it could go either way.

Feb. 17th, 2024



Just 3

I, Michelle, only have three I'm clearly slacking (Jessica is the fourth).

This journal is Karma, also known as Xi'an Manh Coy from Canon so you probably know her. The same backstory applies, just for the modern era - from Vietnam, a sketchy uncle in the military, a boat ride across, and ending up with nothing in America but two young siblings she looked after. Xavier's took her in when she was fourteen (that's when she arrived here, so she wasn't on her own) so she's been here the past four years going through high school. She's an XC Freshman this year, is on the teams track, and had to go from being very serious/rigid/no fun to opening up quite a bit which she's done. So! She's been here a while, is a telepath/mind-jacker, and has likely been a go-getter in an academic/team sense for a while now. You'll know her! She's been gone since Christmas time settling her younger siblings with a relative she found out about the past year, and she's a little late coming back - there was a bit of trouble she'll tell you all about when she pops up this weekend.

I also have Pat Bellucci (~stormseye) who is an incoming HS Soph. Ash is trying to tell me Pat is a lateral move from his actual name Pasquale, but that's definitely not true in my mind. He's from nearby in Brooklyn, and his power involves being the eye of a storm. He can make a tornado, a hurricane, a snowstorm, etc, but the only catch is it centers around him entirely. He made a mini-tornado in Brooklyn a few weeks ago you might have seen on the news. He has a very big, very stereotypical Italian-American family except he's the oddball as an only child. He's pretty chill, not a loud or outgoing sort, but not a sourpuss or asshole either. He'll be friendly enough, but if you're over the top giggly or ridiculous he'll probably just... sigh and talk to someone else. He'll be here tomorrow making a cyclone in the cafeteria in a scene.

Then finally I have Anjali Raina (~invisiblebox) who is a 30 year old coming back to Xavier's to teach Biology and Ecology. She's an alumna herself, she's 30 and was here around 2008-2012ish before going back to her native Australia to get her degree in biology and work in a greenhouse/plant sciences firm. She thought she was going to get married, didn't, and decided she wanted a bigger change so she took the job to teach here and pay it forward since Xavier's helped her so much. Her powers are she makes invisible telekinetic constructs so she's looking like a mime all the time. She can make anything, not just walls, you'll see her in class pick up something invisible and cut some paper or something with invisible scissors, or use invisible cutlery in the cafeteria. I don't think anyone from her class is here right now, but the older guard would have graduated when she first started so they might have still been around and known her as the shy kid who kept embarrassing herself with her powers by running into walls she made inadvertently while trying to get to class on time. She's grown up now, caring, approachable, and knowledgeable in her field.



FOUR new chars

HELLO! I've brought in four new characters because I'm insane.

Newbies! This guy is Prodigy, he's a super genius who's able to absorb and mimic the knowledge and skills around him. He's coming in as an XC Junior, so be nice and be his friend. He basically knows everything, so that could get annoying, but he's a nice (and very moral!) guy. X ([info]alsox) is Charles Xavier! But he goes by Xavier, he hates going by Charles. He's a leftover guy from the portals, and Professor X and Moira have had him on Muir since all of that ended. He's not a calm morals and ethics teacher like this world's, he's fairly depressed and can have a short temper. Mutants are rare in his world, and he lost the use of his legs while he was in the military. Thanks to Marvel canon for the fact that apparently his powers are tied to that in such a way that if he were healed he would lose them.

PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN HERE AWHILE: There's Domi [info]dancingwater, daughter to Avalanche, who's got water manipulation, teleportation via water, and a water form. Which, fun fact! She was living that way until about a month ago when she was suddenly in human form. It's still very weird to her. She's lived at the school since she was 11 and she's 15 now, so lines where she greeted new people, or who might look at her as a little sister would be fab! She's bubbly and happy and outgoing, yay! Then there's Cillian ([info]cozyguy), an empath who can imbue feelings into things he does, primarily calming and pleasing things. Happiness into a knitted hat, calming into cookies he's baked, humor in some flowers he grew, etc. He was a student at the school about 15 years ago, so some of yours might have gone to school with him, and he's worked at the school for the past 6 years. He's huge, but is very kind and sort of like Ferdinand the Bull. So lines please!

Expect to hear from them soon!

Feb. 14th, 2024



Alrighty! As Michelle said, here I am with my Inferno baby.

This is Shauna. She is feral, she is wild, she is fierce. Trista left her in charge when she left Limbo and she takes that responsibility seriously. She is naturally curious about all the new things she will see and experience, preferring to run in rather than sit and study it (that's why she loves Jessica, she will help stop her from running into too much trouble. She will be blunt and very much unaware of social cues/references. She will stand too close, maybe talk too loud, steal your food without asking, etc. But she'll learn!

Shauna has the ability to paralyze someone mentally and physically. She does this with venom produced by her body; specially, produced by the suckers that appear on her arms/legs/hands when she's using her powers. These suckers pass the venom into her victim and it can be lethal depending on how much she gave you. She has pretty good control over this, as it was a necessity, but obviously is looking for more training so she can fulfill her full potential.

Gimme all your lines please!

Feb. 13th, 2024



Hello! I finally ended up bringing in an Inferno. This is Jessica, one of the Infernos that stayed behind in Limbo with the larger group instead of coming to Xavier's with Trista, Grayson, Naiya, and Buck.

That group stayed and lives in Yana's Castle currently in one big dorm room style and... does stuff and probably helps Yana's day to day management, idk. Either way they're not struggling for life and death survival on a daily basis anymore, but there's still plenty of challenges there. She's coming with Shauna who Heather will introduce - Shauna is the one that Trista handed over leadership to in her absence, and Jessica fell into a natural right hand woman/number two slot there. She kind of handled more... logistical stuff I suppose, who got what food, etc., go with it. She's more of a cautious planner than some of the others, but that doesn't mean coward or anything. She's a fighter and had to survive, too. But that cautious aspect is what had her stay behind in Limbo instead of coming originally, which is a decision she regretted a bit. Even if she was needed for the others. Things are more stable there now, so she's coming here.

She's a geokinetic, and likely one of the people responsible for making sure the Infernos had shelter when they were out on their own and surviving since she could shape the earth and what not. Not right away, but she's going to becoming a burgeoning gardener - she'll be fascinated by how healthy the ground and soil is here, and eventually with FA's help will set up a garden... which she'll be fiercely protective of because you have to protect your food sources.

Uhhh much like the other Infernos she'll be very blunt and doesn't sugar coat things. She's likely easy enough to get along with, once she warms to people, and isn't as intimidating as say, Trista would be. She knows how to smile now! She'll be a Freshman in FA, learning to read and write, but she has a better base of understanding things like beds thanks to living in the castle the last bit.

Gimme lines!!! For the record she'd have been around if your character spent time in Limbo over the last year and a half - such as the Coven doing magic with the evil book there, or during the fight there at the end of the Elder Gods plot, which... probably scared the shit out of her as their safety was crashing down around them when the barrier fractured. :| So I'm sure that was fun for Shauna and Jessica to lead through, too.

Feb. 10th, 2024



As of this evening, there's a perfect ice sculpture of Ali out on the front lawn. It's not signed, but... who else would it be from.

Feb. 9th, 2024




Feb. 8th, 2024




Time for the results of our monthly activity check! Below the cut you’ll find a breakdown of characters who failed the check and those who were hiatused, dropped, or pending, just to keep things clear.




ooc love plot!

To organize things here or let others know what your char is doing and when!

Feb. 4th, 2024



love plot matches!

Kids )

Adults )

Feb. 2nd, 2024



team shift change!

Normally this would be in January, but whatever, January was rough for everybody.

new team rotations )

Feb. 1st, 2024




It's time for our monthly activity check! Here's how it works:

DECEMBER 2023 / JANUARY 2024 )

Also, since this is basically a PSL now we're dropping monthly holds clear-ups. Just tag the holds page if you want to drop a hold. If you have any team members to move into or out of X-Pool, or any other status changes, tag them here!

Jan. 31st, 2024



These are not my fault!!!

Here is Aurora or Rory as she prefers. Evie's twin. The cooler of the two, very wary and not exactly warm and fuzzy at first. She's protective of Evie and Evie trusts without thinking so she's there to keep her from getting hurt. She can be stuck up and snobby but really is just afraid to be vulnerable. And doesn't really know how to be with people not her twin. Won't be cruel or anything but a quieter, more observer type and definitely stand-offish is the impression at first. The girls both have gravity-related powers, but her main one is that she attracts people and things to her. If she's not touching you/something, you can't seem to resist being pulled into her orbit if you're within five feet of her. This will evolve and eventually she'll be able to turn it off, but for now no such luck.

I am also bringing in Hala Tsang. She was put into the same organization that trained the Holang girls, so she is a capable fighter and skilled in espionage and all manner of things. She was usually tasked with using her innate charisma to win over assets or targets, as she's a very skilled actress. She is naturally curious and playful, but duty and loyalty and honor were drilled into her all her life. She can be a protective "older sister" type to those on her team (and how she saw the Holang girls) Hala is more blunt than most expect from women from Korea but she doesn't care. She has lunar manipulation and can influence the moon and its phases/gravity/etc (though for the game I primarily am using it as a way for her to gain a light source to power her STARlight manipulation and starlight creature constructs)



its me, hi, im the problem its me


This is Evian, aka: Evie. She'll be in momentarily with her twin sister, Rory. They're only half-siblings, their mom had some wild times >_>. She's the more outgoing of the two, very friendly and easy to get along with. Definitely on the loud side, which I apologize for. They are suuuuper rich, but new money so they might not act the most evolved with it. It's just always there okay!! So she's not the GREATEST with social politics, but she tries. Anyway, they both have gravity-related powers, but her main one is that she repels people and things away from her. If she's not touching you/something, you can't get within about five feet of her. This will evolve and eventually she'll be able to turn it off, but for now no such luck.

Anyway, lines pls! She is definitely going to be trying to make friends. They're juniors in high school, so high school people and early college people hmu!

Jan. 20th, 2024



Hi! It's me, I'm the problem it's me!

Back with a second character already! This is Ki-moon Park, or Sin as he goes by. He is just arrived at this wonderful establishment, as he's been living in Korea and doing idol things for a long time. The Korean government has been manipulating him to use his powers to influence the masses and he's just recently learned this and decided enough was enough. Sin is Justin's older brother but the two cannot be more different. Still, he loves his brother and actually it was Justin's trouble with the law that was finally what the Korean government used to succeed in manipulating him. His codename will be Muse as he has a whole host of powers associated with that (I am a lazy being and encourage you to look at the profile here for specifics please!)

He'll be a college Sophomore and generally needs all the things! Thank you in advance! <3

Jan. 12th, 2024



IC/OOC stuff for the lakehouse party tonight. Alcohol provided, bring your own snacks. Just your general teenage shenanigans! Yes there were games like beer pong and also truth or dare (for Trista).

It wasn't exclusively high schoolers - if you had a connection you could come since some of you are friends with and date college kids, too.

Jan. 10th, 2024



Hello everyone!!!

I am Heather, somewhat a returning player (I was here in 2018 and recently reused a journal I had used here and saw this lovely game was still active and REALLY had to join again) You might remember me as Callie but I dumped the alias as I haven't seen any Heathers in game for awhile. For a brief bit on me, I have way too much time on my hands and way too little impulse control. Plus an obsession with all things X-Men and writing. So, in other words, I'm very easily coerced into....pretty much anything lol

As for my character, I bring you my all time fave...DAZZLER! Miss Ali is 19, so a Freshman in college. She did start a career but then came out as mutant and the managers and such were like "uhhhhh" so since she got dropped she decided to find Xavier's, learn control, and lick her wounds while rallying to restart the career trajectory.

So! She needs allllllll the things. Friends, enemies, what have you. I hadn't considered whether she's just arriving, honestly. In my mind, she's been around since at least the beginning of the year but honestly probably since her senior year of high school. So, gimme all your plots! Please and thank you. :D

Jan. 7th, 2024




Switches were this week, and are as follows (temp until Jamie can update the chart!)

Verity Conroe / Naiya Burns
Ruby Fiore / Beth Koçi
Emily Davies / Zuri Williams
Trista Hunter / Sam Smith
Chastity Garcia / Doreen Green
Leyu Yoshida / Aadhya Visvanathan
Lin Tsai / Presley Scott
Jane Roberts / Natalie Reimer

Paxton Smythe / Tristan Khoury
Nabi / Grayson Young
Kevin Sidney / Kija Eun
Johnny Gitter / Matt Roberts
Terrance Ward / Forge
Tony Diaz / Justin Park