beyond evolution ooc

June 2024


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December 7th, 2023



Hi! This is Michelle with Emily Davies. She's an incoming HS Sophomore from England! What to know about her? Well, she's a huge ditz. She's not a moron by any stretch, she's an average student, but she just... does not think things through and puts her foot in her mouth all the time, too. She's also very girly, bubbly, and reactionary. She's not conniving or mean though, she feels bad if she upsets people or says something really dumb so she's kind of like a kicked puppy that way, too. She's also boy and girl crazy, and loves attention so she's the type to send people cute selfies or post a bikini pic on Xta basically for the attention and someone to make out or hook up with. Fun stuff!

Her powers are limited phasing - she can phase through inorganic matter that's less than two feet wide/deep, so she falls through floors, walls, doors, chairs etc. because she's bad at said powers. But she keeps doing dumb things with them too, like letting a friend kick a soccerball at her head because she could phase through it (read: she got a concussion). Anyway, she'll be coming today with a couple broken bones the medlabs will heal for him because uh, yeah, falling through floors hurts so she needs to get better at her powers ASAP. It hasn't really dampened her spirits at all though! :)

Run the Friend Button and be her friend!! Or be flirted with! Or be annoyed! Whichever!



This is Laurent Moreaux! He's the incoming Poetry/Single Author Study teacher, and also the keeper of all things weapons and weird. Basically the stuff the school doesn't want you to touch, or requires you to go through someone to get access to. His power is perfect memory, so that and teaching are right up his alley! He tries not to correct people too much >_>. Or at least not get exasperated when others don't remember things perfectly. He is not the easiest teacher and his classes are definitely hard, but worth it! So don't go in expecting a class to just slide on through. Poetry is work! He has the degrees to prove it! He also definitely rewards the hard-working, so if you're a good student you'll probably really enjoy his classes and the discussions he starts in them; you just have to have done the work to understand.

He's European (if the name didn't tip you off), and this is his first time living in America, although he's visited obvs. Probably doesn't have a terribly high view of Americans, but give him time. He's pretty serious; he doesn't hate jokes or funny or casual people, he's just not one himself. So people that can make him laugh or get him to relax more would be very welcome! Also hi fellow teachers and residents, pls interact with him!