March 17th, 2023



murderworld ooc

To plan before this weekend!

Xavier's is taking whoever would like to go (including adults and team members) to a local amusement park on Sat for some well-deserved fun. Arcade, however, has different ideas, and some (not all!) of the goers will be transported into HIS theme park, Murderworld. It looks like a decrepit old amusement park. With some changes.

A video will play on screens around the park, announcing that they have only a few hours to find five keys in order to get out. These keys are all around the park. As people spread out to find as many as possible, as quickly as possible, THE GAME BEGINS.

The pathways are designed like a chessboard, and if you step on the wrong tile then a light surrounds you and you are transported into a 'game'. These games are solo and duo traps; if you're alone, you get a solo. If you're moving around with another person, you might get shoved into a duo (unless one of you dodges it quickly). If you beat the trap, you are transported back to where you were. If you lose, you die. Some games, with no rhyme or reason, will give keys. For those of you that don't want to move from where you stand, there are killer clowns wandering the park. Avoid those. You do not want them to find you.

There is a funhouse in the center of the park that has four locks on it. The fifth key is inside. There are several traps in the funhouse as well. PLEASE do not say mass numbers of chars are going into the funhouse -- it will shut again after two characters per player enter. If you beat the group traps in there, then you get the fifth key and are transported back to the mansion.

Powers do not work within the park. Handhelds work, but only sometimes. Almost as though something else is controlling them and only allowing certain messages through (no warning about the traps, but you can communicate who has found a key).

This OOC is for people to tag in with who is going where with whom, and for you to pick a number. Based on the number you picked, the mods will tell you which trap you get.

This is a very high-damage and likely disturbing plot; keep that in mind as you send people, and also if you're sensitive to reading that sort of thing. Headers will be up shortly for you to tag in who your char is going with and to get your traps. Use the non-thread areas to just generally plan! Don't forget that you can get very injured without a trap :)

This plot will pause time and extend through the weekend, unless we really get going and want to push to Monday.



[Edit] 1-13 for singles, 1-6 for duos, 1-4 for Funhouse, which everyone will participate in. And yes, these are Saw traps :). If all spots are filled! Then you will be traversing the park with the clowns (and other evil things) hunting you.