February 28th, 2023




It's time for our monthly activity check! Here's how it works:


**EDIT: Oops @ this being posted before the 1st, just play along and feel free to tag tomorrow




Holds clear-up! Please comment here with which of your existing holds you'd like to keep, and which (if any) you'd like to drop. This way we can keep the holds page from getting too cluttered. If we don't hear from you before the end of the day MARCH 8th (and you're not on hiatus!) we'll assume your holds can be dropped.

Also please tag here if you have any team characters you would like to move into or out of X-Pool, or any other status changes!



hello have a bad guy

This is Sabretooth! But Sabretooth without like 90% of his history. Basically he grew up in his crazy abusive home, killed his father, killed throughout Canada, ended up in America and got picked up by the Weapon X program before he could start his killing up again. He went through the Wolverine treatment, and his bones and nails are coated in adamantium. Fun! He turned around and used THAT newborn power to tear his way out of the place. Apparently they didn't learn their lesson with Logan. Since then, he's been wandering his way to Xavier's because he knows they help/hide mutants. Not that he needs help with anything (yes, yes he does), but he'd like for random bad shit to stop happening to him, thx.

So anyway, he's not a full-fledged bad guy, he's never met the Brotherhood or been involved in organizations that encourage his violence, so maybe some good examples at Xavier's will make him rethink his life! LOL I've got jokes.

Don't worry though, he's very aware that he's not allowed to kill anyone here.

He's got a temper, but he's more curious about this place than anything else, he hasn't met other mutants before that he knows of. He's...Sabretooth! But a less violent bad guy, and more just a guy that could go either way atm.

Plots/connections/etc? Run the FLer!