beyond evolution ooc

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December 2nd, 2022




Hi! This is Paxton Smythe. I'm sorry in advance (yes, really, Ash). Paxton's one of those kids with two high-earning professional parents who grew up without a lot of guidance, but a lot of protection from responsibility and consequences. His family has a house in the Hamptons on Long Island, and also a nice apartment in Manhattan. But they're nouveau riche and not really well known. ANYWAY, Paxton can be charming, he can be helpful, and generous and all of that - but he can also be a terrible shit with he gets bored or whatever, which is often enough, and he's got a ton of privilege so he's not exactly empathetic about a lot of stuff because, well, he's also a teenager. Now, the problem is after his powers came out, Paxton feels like his life has been utterly ruined, and he's lashing out a lot, thinking he has nothing to lose so he's going to be excessively self-destructive. So I'm sorry to everyone. :D And also Irina who has to be his power advisor that I just realized today so uh, I'll probably email you about that Gordon. >_>

His powers do suck though! All his bodily fluids (sweat, saliva, blood, etc.) are now acidic. This manifested when he was making out with his girlfriend at the time, and he uh, melted her jaw and stuff. Fun! He's not heartless so it's really messed him up, and he's rightfully thinking his life is fucked. His parents are letting him have the cure yet either, that would require him to register and they'd rather keep that hushed. Fun!

Run the friends button please!!