beyond evolution ooc

June 2024


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May 4th, 2022



two things!

Anniversary is being moved up a week! It will now go from 5/19 - 5/23. We are pretending that May 19th has been Minkerson's wedding date from the start. Yay handwaving. Then also, this weekend and next we'll be putting up general rapid fires, so that people can get their interpersonal affairs settled before their WORLD GETS ROCKED. We'll most likely continue this for a few weeks after the plot since there'll be a lot to deal with, and we want to see about how often they are is the sweet spot for us.

Also! For this next year we're going to go back to how we did things at the start of 2.0 and (O.O) not tell you what plots are before they happen. We'll still put when they are on the calendar, let you opt out if you want, give as much skeletal info as we can to you without saying this is the plot and this is what will happen on what days. But yeah. Also we're going to have anniversary's plot start to be a floating plot, so that it's not always at the beginning of the summer. It could happen in the fall, it could happen over Christmas, who knows. We'll give you a heads up on something that big though, don't worry.