beyond evolution ooc

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August 31st, 2008



Hey guys -- promised the modlies I'd check in tonight. I actually meant to do character posts tonight, but I just got home and I'm pretty tired, so I'm leaving them for tomorrow.

I'm sorry about the extended hiatus, how it's had to go on for so long. The good news is that the issues with my job seem to have been sorted out, or at least to the extent where they will affect me directly. The bad news is that my health took sort of a downturn (probably as a result of all the stress on the job), and my vision has deteriorated. It's not completely fried yet, though, so I'm not bowing out entirely!

After giving it a lot of thought, I've decided that I'm going to be giving Arielle a send-off fairly soon, as I really don't have much feel for the character anymore. Cordy and Jesse are sticking around, though. They had busy summers; Cordy went to her grandparents' house in Pennsylvania, to recover from the trauma connected with the visitors from the future, and Jesse took some summer film classes at NYU, though he didn't leave Xavier's outright.

Just FYI -- I no longer have access to YIM. It apparently got into a massive fight with my computer and they've stopped speaking to each other, so please don't look for me on there. I'm still on AIM and still reachable by email.

Anyway, there's my update. I'll be back tomorrow to post for Cordy and Jesse; if you have something specific you'd like to do with either of them, please feel free to leave a comment. I'll work out the details for Ari's departure in the next couple weeks. Thanks again for understanding my absence.