August 29th, 2008


New Chars, Yo.

Hey everyone, it's Rachel and I'm bringing in Elizabeth Guthrie, aka Amazon. She's a megamorph who can enhance any body part of her choosing (or her entire body). She's spunky and outspoken and generally too confident with her new born powers. She got them last week. She was an express order to Xavier's via their mom.

So remember everyone, she's a 15 year old girl who can beat the crap out of you. You are warned.

Bio is the only entry on the journal here, make sure to add. (Ten or Ash, I need this journal to be added to the friends button, btw.)

Wacky high jinks will ensue.

-Rachel (Ali, Brenna, Blink, Tatiana, Dani, Liz)



Hey hey!

Ten here, bringing in another charrie- Marie-Ange Colbert, aka Tarot. She's another import of the Frenchy variety, and crossed paths with Chris and Alex on their worldwide Jean search, so they directed her to the school. She's quiet, shy, can make the images on her tarot cards come to life and also has limited precognition via her cards. All her info is right here, so add her plz! Comments, plottage, etc are all welcome!