beyond evolution ooc

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August 9th, 2008


ilu evo!

well, this could have gone a bit faster but no fingers are being pointed. scout's honor! i'm just happy to bring in another character to this orgasmic game. best description ever! i know. XD

this is monet st. croix ( [info]perfectio ), better known as the uncreative codename of m. she'll be joining mutant high in a bit as soon as her mun's hunger pains go away. she's straight from monaco, daughter of a rich ambassador that spoiled her from the day she was born. being spoiled all her life, and placed way ahead of her other three siblings, monet always had it in her mind that she was better than everyone and perfect in every way possible. tell her she's not and she'll have a word with you. she brags about her expensive taste, shiny items, her rich daddy, and the fact that she is a living superman with breast. and yes, she is the next meany on the block. she isn't a bitch, per se. she's just extremely blunt and doesn't think about others' feelings when she says shit, if that makes sense. well, yeah, she's a bitch. she isn't out to bitch to the world or make everybody hate her. ( and if you do then she'll just make believe you're hating on her game and HER XD ) additionally, she hates to be the inferior. she's extremely arrogant and materialistic. ppl who suck at shit like the basic art of shopping and fashion-style will get the cold shoulder from monet. judging a book by its cover is her philosophy. that's why she applies the best make-up daily and always tries her best to look flawless. and don't piss her off, or she'll be willing to give you a taste of her strength. but this isn't to say that she's a bad guy. she could quite possibly be a good friend if a person ignores the fact that everything has to be about her. she is drawn by ppl with tastes like herself. although, not all is perfect with monet. she's really touchy about the death of her mother and the fact that her brother is a lunatic. tease her about that then that would factor in pissing her off, and we've already discussed what would happen then.

so that's basically monet! say happy things about her. you make her blush. and if that long ass paragraph about monet wasn't enough then here's her bio. help yourself to it or just ask me questions. i'll welcome both. you know where to find me.

oh! this is ray, btw. ms ferosha couture is the sn. spam me. hunt me. bug me forever! idc. i promise i don't bite hard.