beyond evolution ooc

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July 23rd, 2008



yet another new one!

From Clez this time :D Yes, because apparently I need a sixth. We all love even numbers etcetc, moving on XD

This is Tobias Kierney, a.k.a. Adrenaline, a former Xavier's student who went to school with the likes of Kevin and Laurie; he was really into sports, and still is, and has tried just about every one (that a man can take part in without losing face, tyvm) under the sun. He played for the Tar Heels when he was in college, so people who are really into college basketball might have heard of him, but srsly, that's not going to be very likely XD OH WELL. Tobias is coming in with another character in tow, because we like 'em in pairs, and he'll be the new Health Sciences Instructor as well as the Physical Education TA (we like those too XD). He'll also be a member of X-Factor, since he did all the training business back in the day.

Aaaaaas for mutations, his is energy absorption and transference! He takes it all in from natural sources like sun/moonlight, running water, grass and so on, as well as other people if he wants, and can loan it to other people via physical contact :D Very handy in a crisis, if you're running out of steam, no? He thinks so. But yeah, because of his power, he doesn't really sleep much. At all. Haha, he's just as easily found wandering around during the night as he is during the day. Which... makes him sound like a creepy stalker man ;-;

Anyway, the rest of his need-to-know is in his bio, conveniently located here, for you to peruse at your leisure. Feel free to stare at the obligatory crotch shot at the bottom of his bio. I mean. ADD HIM. THE END.




Yes yes yes you guessed it. Here comes Hezy with another character, the last one for a long while ty.

This is Johanna Marie Fraser, but omg she goes by Jo please and yes her students can call her that if they want to, or COACH or whatever, she's very laid back about that sort of thing. She's here as the Phys Ed instructor as well as the Health Sciences TA, so expect to see her standing at the back of the class sniggering as Tobias hands out the condoms and bananas in Sex Ed ahahaha expect to... see her. Around. Uh, she helped coach an Olympic gymnastic team so she has like ~contacts~ and stuff in that world, though she never competed herself because she can't turn her mutation on and off :C.

Obviously she was in the same year as Tobias and Kevin as a students, and Laurie of course, who was her roommate and BFF but she's very easy going and off the top of my head I can't think of anyone who was would really clash against. But tell me people what you think :D?

Mutations wise, Jo has photographic reflexes that let her replicate any physical action she sees, anything at all that her body is physically capable of (hence the WITTY codename, yes?), and heightened balance and agility which helps her pull off all the tricky gymnastic stuff she's so fond of and she has also tried her hand at pretty much every sport under the sun that she has had access to over the years.

Anyway, all the in-depth stuff is here for your convenience!