July 12th, 2008



o hai.

Hey gaiz. Hezy here bringing in Molly Hayes aka Princess Powerful or Bruiser if you want to be a total party pooper :/

Omg, so don't hate on me, I'm kind of crazy nervous about writing Molly but we shall see how we go yes? YES. Not much to note down, other than the fact that she's probably a bit more sour/snarky than the 11-year-old canon!Molly, being seventeen here, and is sort of only at the school by her parent's design because they have big love for Mags and on the off chance he goes recruiting again, they want her well in the thick of it, but she's kind of oblivious to that fact, she just thinks it's ridic amounts of cool that she gets to be at Xavier's at all :D. For your viewing convenience her bio is here. SO. She'll be coming in pretty much straight away for the lulz of everyone being GONE and her being DISAPPOINTED that it's not like, party central. LAME GAIZ LAME.

:D Please to be adding her to your flistz!



a night of intros!

Sup dudes, it's Ash (of course), bringing in JP. Long, confusing history short, he had a crazy growing up (dead parentals, missing twin, circus, terrorism, etc etc) and joined Alpha Flight in his early 20s. Met Aurora there, became a celebrity, left to compete in the Olympics, recently had those medals taken away, was offered a job at Xaviers (that Aurora accepted for him). Anywho, there's a chance other chars might know him, or of him. Alpha Flight was/is very popular in Canada but never really did much/any press in the States; however, anyone really into mutant news would possibly know of them? Alpha Flight was the first government-sponsored mutant team and all that. X-teamers would probably know of it? Then also there's the Olympics, for anyone uh...sportsy. More likely you'd have heard his name about 6 months ago when there was a big brouhaha over him having his medals taken away because he's a mutant and they couldn't prove that he didn't cheat. Not that they could prove that he did but, well, you know. Some anti-mutant pressure there. ANYWAY or not, whatever! He's coming in as an X-Man and Xavier's new Business/Econ teacher. Much joy. Questions/comments/plots :D?

Edit: OH YEAH, and no, he hasn't had the press conference announcing that he's gay yet.

I'm Lame, I know.

Of course this has to happen right when there's awesome plots going on (that I missed >.>) and when people are bringing in AWESOME characters. But I have to go on a Hiatus. Things have just been too hectic between work and home and this heat is KILLING ME!

So where are my chars?

Blink's around. She's still staying in the basement (I don't know why, she feels comfortable down there) but it might be noticed that she's teleporting places without telling anyone.

Dani's moved back in the Mansion. She's coming to terms with things and slowly going back to normal. She might be freakishly calm towards a lot of people but that's because she's trying to compensate and overcompensating instead.

Brenna and Ali are on the camping trip together, I assume. Brenna's being pouty and broody cause she can't be with Roxy and Ali's avoiding Brenna because of it. Expect her to be around trying to cause some mischife.

Tatiana's chilling at the school.

So that's about it. Feel free to play a bit with my characters just don't go overboard.

I'll be back as soon as I can.

The incredible disapparating Laura

I owe scenes and things to a few of you and I'm REALLY sorry, but circumstances beyond my control are forcing me to disappear indefinitely. It's a long and not entirely coherent story right now, involving my boss and dying relatives (his, not mine) and a host of other things that are just going to eat up my free time like whoa.

Once again, I'm sorry sorry sorry and I hope that eventually I'll be able to come back with both guns blazing, but for the time being, I'm on indefinite hiatus.