June 16th, 2008



stuff stuff stuff


1! Everyone will be told/has been told that people connected to them who would have noticed they were missing have been (non-invasively) mind-altered by Xavier to make them think the kids were around, not gone. In the case of those who needed to be excuse from missing college finals, etc, they'll think there was some sudden, massive family emergency that made them miss anything.

2! Since the Xavier's students all missed finals, the school is just going with their last grade standing before having been taken. A ceremony will be happening in July though, for those graduating. ON THAT NOTE, please go look at the character chart to tell us if your character's age or grade standing needs to be changed. Tag TO THE CHART, not to here.

3! JUNIORS! You are all being upped to X-Factorites (if you want to be), due to having been on the team for 6 months. And showing good initiative with that second wave attack. If your character has been moved up from Juniors then we are assuming that the character IS battle-ready and could take the field in a fight without having a crisis or being useless and not knowing what to do. If that's not the case (which is perfectly fine), let us know so that they can stay on the Juniors until they're better equipped. There's some other slight changes to the team-lists too; namely some removals that we (finally) got around to, and the upping of some X-Factorites (the ones who have been there the longest) to X-Men. AND, some of the general training students are being offered positions on the Juniors. We went ahead and moved them up but let us know if they'd rather not! People not being trained but who want to be, please tag here if your kid wants to be on that list. If you want to take fight classes with Shatterstar, please tag here to let us know!

4! The memorial is on Tuesday. We're not writing anything for it but you all know how it goes. If someone does want to write something, then rock on!

5! Hounds! And family members. Since you've been chilling and recouping for awhile (...except for Em >.>), they've decided to tell you about the uh, operations you all had to undergo. So on Monday consider your Hound having been told about the sterilization, and that it can be reversed via Jeremiah, and that they have trackers in the back of their necks. The trackers aren't useful to anyone anymore and aren't harmful, but it'll take a minor surgery to get them undone. They're setting up appointments for that since they have to get a local (trusted) surgeon to come help.