June 3rd, 2008



quick notes!

Everything is back in normal game time now, yes! And time on earth passed the same as time away, so they've been gone for the last...however many weeks for real in their normal dimension/time/etc.

Hounds! Your characters are all being kept in the subbasements, for now. Not in cells or anything, they're all in a rather large room, with nice beds, and a TV or two, computers, etc. It's not a punishment, and they can leave when they feel ready, it's more because they've been isolated and undergoing brain-screwing for so long that they felt it might be for the best to give them a place to decompress before rejoining the madhouse. People can come down and visit them as much as they want (either in the room, or in the observation room next to their room), although there's visiting hours (8 am to 9 pm?).

And yes, Jean and the Phoenix are missing. Dun dun dunnnnn.

Anywho, feel free to resume normal play! HEARTS.


Edit!: OH YEAH AND. Since there's a lot of injuries and like...one and a half healers, people are probably going to be being healed over the course of the week or so. It won't be by person, it'll be by severity of injury. Major injuries have been at least stabilized if not healed by now, etc. Minor things like cuts and bruises, the hair, the tattoos, the malnourishment, those are mostly going to be handled sans powers. Just cause healing even those things is going to hurt something else, and it would be bad to kill everything within a 5 mile radius of the school from the accumulation of bad shit needing to get fixed! The Hounds are going to be approached about their condition (NO BABIES, for those not paying attention) later. It's not immediately threatening, and it's probably for the best to talk to them individually about it instead of more people doing things to them that they don't understand or realize. Keep the mental trauma to some kind of sustainable level, and all that.