beyond evolution ooc

June 2024


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May 9th, 2008



just a quick note...

To say we haven't forgotten about you! Between IJ being lame, and everyone having finals and such, things got a little stalled for a few days -- we're pretending those 2ish days that IJ was down didn't happen (cut out a little of the time that your characters have been where they are), basically. More stuff will be happening soon, for all three of the groups! BE ON THE LOOKOUT.




for the safehouse group!


Based on where they were taken from and various other intel, the Intruders have a pretty good idea which camp the rest of the group has been taken to, and they're heading for it now. Unfortunately, this is much easier said than done. The group had to be split up in order to avoid quick detection, although they're still large enough that there's worry over it. Each person was placed where they are for a specific reason, too. There's an Intruder with each group, and that Intruder is in charge. Listen to them if you want to get through this. Your characters will all have been made aware of the fact that they have permission to (literally) take you out at the knees if you prove to be too much of a problem. Easier to drag or carry you than to deal with reluctance or BS, after all! There are also some people who are going to be receiving extra protection; the healers, Matt, Jude, Ari, and Luce, specifically. Everyone is going to be armed -- people who've shown proficiency with the handguns have been upgraded and trained with the assault rifles and such. People who suck just get normal guns. Yay!


You're all taking different routes to get to where you're going. Traveling during the day is dangerous, so you'll be traveling at night and meeting at a different safehouse each morning with the rest of the groups. You'll all rest there for the day, and then move out and separate again at night. Got it? Feel free to log or thread moving around if you want, just don't do anything crazy, and keep your character with the group. There will also be random threads going up for random groups! Every group is going to be encountering different people. This is going to be sort of like a Choose Your Own Adventure. You do not have to fight the people that are in the thread put up for you. You can fight, run, try to talk to them, etc. Make sure your group is okay with what's happening though, don't just tag in at random! We suggest someone from the group making a post custom-locked to the other group members to maybe discuss strategy. A whole lot of different things could happen, depending on what you pick! HAVE FUN.

Groups under the cut:

dun dun dunnn )