beyond evolution ooc

June 2024


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April 18th, 2008



a few notes!

Oh hai, guess what?

In a little under a week, Beyond Evolution will be three years old! Congrats, guys!! It's seriously amazing; that possibly makes us the longest-running X-game on the journals (GJ and then IJ)! You're all completely amazing, and there will be more of us blabbering on about how much we love you when the actual day comes. This post, however, is more to tell you to keep your eyes out for plotty goodness that'll start going down next weekend. Because what would an Evo anniversary be without crazy-ass shit going down?

A fair warning: this plot might be even more insane than Battle Royale. And it will answer some questions that have been raised, as well! We're very excited!

So everyone look out, and if there's normal stuff you want to have done before peoples lives are possibly turned upside down (or ended, bwah ha ha), get it in before next Friday!



And this is a completely unrelated note, but logging in and out of journals is a pain in the ass. The newest US Weekly will feature a section about mutants, including how physical mutations may be the new ultimate accessory, with spotlights on both a new club in LA catering to mutants, and the mutant party at Mansion last week. There's a few celeb quotes (like, who knows, Paris Hilton saying real angel wings are hot), along with some pictures from both places. The pictures would probably feature obvious mutants, although there's some randoms as well (like Jaya with Nicole Scherzinger XD). So feel free to make up who was in what picture or what was said and etc, as you want.

Hello, hello! This is your friendly neighbourhood Kat with a new character. Meet Laurie Collins, Xavier's brand new English teacher. Laurie attended the school a million years ago, graduated and moved onto better things. At least they were better things until she lost a baby and her boyfriend in one go ;____;

Nevermind that though! She's 30 years old, extremely excited about the prospect of teaching at her old high school and will probably try to set up a book club for the kids. She's kind of lame like that :/ But very nice!

She'll be introduced in the game shortly :D I apologise for how much this intro sucks.