beyond evolution ooc

June 2024


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March 11th, 2008


Hello all you lovely people! I have yet another character intro but I'll make it brief because ash and zoe have covered a lot already for me :D "Me" being Kat btw.

This is Luciano Carducci, or Luci as he's known, and he's the eldest of the three Italian brothers. He's kind of insanely protective of them and wouldn't hesitate to crack someone's skull open if they hurt either of them. He's also a telepath which is great fun, since he can make someone crack their own skull for him. No need to be getting those hands dirty!

He can give off the impression of being a kind of scary, monosyllabic person but he's actually a nice person for the most part. Once he's decided you're not a threat he can even be quite pleasant! As for his English he can speak it fairly well, enough to get by anyway. And he'll probably get better at it as the weeks go by :D

Anyway, his full bio is up in his journal if anyone wants to know more. THE END :D



Hiatus Fun

I should probably let you guys know of this before it happens, so. On Thursday at like midnight my time I'm going out to Detroit to help my Dad celebrate his 60th birthday. I won't have time to do any gaming so I'm not bothering to take my laptop with me, whiiich means I won't even have the opportunity to pop on and say hi or whatnot. I'll be back super-late on Sunday, so don't expect to see anything from me until Monday. So, yes. This is me hiatusing from Thursday to Monday. It'll be brief and painless, I swear!