beyond evolution ooc

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March 9th, 2008



Yay new characters! Quiet, Jamie, I know I play too many XD. And possibly still have another coming in.

This is Nicolai Carducci, the youngest of the three brothers who just got here. The Carducci's are a trio of thieves who happened to get in over their head and set up to take the fall for a bigger job that was going on under their noses. They managed to steal some of what the other people were taking though, and using that bribed their way into getting to stay at Xavier's. Rock on!

For Nicolai personally, well, he goes by Nico first off. He also does not speak English very well at all. He knows some basic words and phrases and such, but not a whole lot. I look forward greatly to babelfishing English for journal entries. He's just 17, so he'll be a student here, which is lame because he hasn't been in a structured school for years. He creates wormholes, and either travels through them (with whatever he's touching), or uses them to hide things in little pocket dimensions. Umm what else. He's very very into love, and expresses it a lot. Don't be surprised if out of nowhere he starts going on about beautiful you are (ladies). He can be very frank though, and is pretty spoiled, too. Maybe his lack of communication skills will keep that from becoming hugely apparent at first though.

RAMBLE. Friend plz :D.

::helps the comms blow up MOAR::

ASH AGAIN, with the second new char I'm bringing in. He was actually planned on back in like November so...shut up.

Anywho, this is Kevin Ford/Wither. Most of you know (of) him, I'm assuming, but for those who don't, his power is being able to turn organic materials to dust by touching them. As a result, he's usually completely covered up except for his head, and will get very pissy if you get all up in his space. Anyway, he was a student at Xavier's back in the day, and was a classmate of people like Scott and Storm, so if your char is that old, then we should have backstory! He left Xavier's and went off to NYU to do art, and from there earned himself a rep for his work (contemporary metallic sculptures, primarily). He's had showings of his work in a few famous places, but if you aren't into art then you probably wouldn't know his name at all. He's also an ex-addict, but only Xavier and Laurie previously knew that; some of the staff might find out if they follow him to an NA meeting at some point, but other than that yeah.

Personality-wise, heee is just a big ol' ball of sunshine. He's extremely apathetically-caustic. He doesn't try to sugarcoat things, ever, and is the wrong person to ask for an honest opinion. He's not purposefully cruel though, and will step in to stop shit if he sees it going on. Because he's a teacher, now! He's in charge of the art classes, bwah ha ha. Teacher-wise, he's a complete hardass, and probably doesn't come off as outwardly pleased with much that the students produce (they're old enough not to need him blowing sunshine up their asses), but he does know a lot and would be able to teach them a lot if they can handle that.

Umm that's about it for now. Add him too!



I'll try to make this brief because Ash already covered some of this stuff in Nico's intro and because the f-list has been flooded with so many posts in the last couple days (don't want to push your threads off!).

Valerian Carducci (who goes by Val) is the middle brother at twenty years old, and he's kind of a reluctant maternal figure. He'll be fucking ecstatic when he realizes he doesn't have to cook for them anymore. Um, unlike Nico he's usually pretty reserved and a little permanently grumpy, particularly with strangers, but he's secretly a bleeding heart who ends up forming bonds with people much more easily than he'd honestly like. His power is trance healing slash personal healing factor, so he'll probably be down in the medlabs helping Jeremiah if there's an emergency. Except at the moment, he's in the medlabs recovering from being shot a lot, so it'll be a couple days before he'll be up and about!

I'm looking for people who would be interested in being close friends with Val in particular, but any storyline ideas or rambles are welcome! You can find more detailed information here and uh. ADD ME. :D

Customization question.

Anyone have any code for Journal and friends layouts that would be basic enough I could understand but I could insert pictures for individuality for each character? I always look at these plain layouts and want something for my characters but I have no idea how to do one.