March 4th, 2008



Mod post!

Ok peeps all charts and the flister have been completely updated. As always, please check to make sure all your info and all your charrie's info is correct. Also that your folks ARE on the flister and in all three comms. I've added everything I can on my end but [info]protandry, [info]multiple_jamies, and [info]soak_up_the_sun are not on the comms so you guys need to request membership so we can fix that. Also, Mara, I need journal names for Maddie and Del if you're keeping them and Rachel, I need you to tag the charrie chart with Guidos information if you're keeping him. XD

And now- activity checks! Here's how this is going to work this time: checks are once a month at the beginning of the month. If you go two months without activity of any kind and without getting in contact with mods about it- you're kicked. And remember if you need a hiatus- just let us know. Believe it or not, we don't rp 24 hours a day and understand that rl comes first. Without further ado- the list!





Hey, dudes, it's Jamie. I'm back from my hiatus, and I'm celebrating my upcoming expanse of free time by bringing in a new character. It's going to be awesome. Anybody who's interested in scening, hit me up, because I need to get back into things.

This is Dan Shahverdian, soon to be known as that quiet kid who sits right in the front of the classroom and occasionally says completely deadpan, deeply morbid things. Also soon to be known as the reason why some of Xavier's classes are now featuring a sign language interpreter - he's partially deaf, and his hearing aid has a nasty tendency to amplify pencil scratches and paper rustles just as much as the teachers' voices. He'll be fine in one-on-one conversations as long as people face him and speak clearly, but anyone who knows ASL will be a strong contender for his new best friend if they want the position. His powers basically boil down to hypnotic suggestion - through direct eye contact, he can essentially drive people temporarily insane with fear. He doesn't do it all that often, but he thinks it's a cool thing to be able to do. His codename is Lovecraft.

Add [info]ofmadness! Read his profile, if you so desire. ♥!