Beyond The Darkness RPG

September 5th, 2008

September 5th, 2008

RP: A Place Of Meaning

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Date: 5 September 2006 (early morning, just before dawn)
Characters: Rodolphus Lestrange and diverse others (let me know and I'll add them)
Location: Godric's Hollow
Private/Public: Public
Rating: Oh, let's say R for now
Warnings: Violence, fighting (more to be added)
Summary: Rodolphus stops foxing and bluffing and shows that he might be minus an arm but he's not out for the count.
Completion: Incomplete

Overkill? Perhaps. Bait? Definitely )

RP: The end of happiness

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Date: September 5, 2006
Characters: Theo, Padma, Nathaniel, NPC - Lisa Lestrange, NPC - Unnamed Auror, NPC – John Mallard
Location: Nott Manor, just outside the wards
Private/Public: Private
Rating: R
Warnings: Character death
Summary: Padma and Nathaniel goes with Theo to inspect the wards on the edge of the grounds, something Theo will live to regret.

Help me! )


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Date: 05 September 1999
Characters: Verity, John Mallard (npc), Marlowe?
Location: O'Shea Manor
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG 13- R?
Warnings: Screaming, blood, panic, swearing?
Summary: Verity goes into labour unexpectedly.

Bad to worse )
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