Beyond The Darkness RPG

July 18th, 2008

July 18th, 2008

OWLs: Cass to Montague, Higgs, Harry and Percy

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Date: July 17, 2006
Characters: Cass, Montague, Higgs, Harry, Percy
Location: The sky
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Cass sends out a few letters, as well as his resignation from the Aurors

To Montague )


To Higgs )


To Harry )


To Percy )

RP: So there is something I have to tell you

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Date: July 18, 2006
Characters: Cass, Montague
Location: The Shack
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angry Montague?
Summary: Before he goes home with Percy, Cass wants the chance to tell Montague everything.

and you won't like it at all )

RP: It's been too long

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Date: 18 July 2006
Characters: Draco, Tracey, Severus, Stephen, Adrian, Stephen, Percy, Harry, and everyone else who wants to join them
Location: Malfoy Manor
Private/Public: Private
Rating: -
Warnings: -
Summary: It's party time under the full moon

It's been too long )

RP: Something Rotten

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Date: 18 July 2006
Characters: Remus Lupin
Location: The Werewolf Safe-House
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Gish
Warnings: None
Summary: Moony feels as if there's something wrong but can't do a damn thing about it. the state of Denmark )
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