Beyond The Darkness RPG

July 16th, 2008

July 16th, 2008

RP: "Hate me today, Hate me tomorrow..."

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Date: July 16, 2006 (late afternoon, early evening)
Characters: Neville Longbottom, mentions of Frank & Alice Longbottom, anyone else in the house who would like to react
Location: 7 Oddington Road at first, then London
Private/Public?: Private at first, reactions semi-public, then Private for the bits in London
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Angst, Character/Auror Death
Summary: Neville gets a crushing letter, and is a bit confused by it all
Complete?: Incomplete

Hate me for all the things, I didn’t do, for you... )

RP: So Many Plans

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Date: 15 July 2006
Characters: Rodolphus Lestrange
Location: Greengrass Manor
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Warnings: Evil plotting
Summary: Rodolphus continues to recover and starts making plans. That isn't good for anyone.

What to do first? )
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