Beyond The Darkness RPG

June 24th, 2008

June 24th, 2008

OWL: Umbridge to all present and former ministry, hogwarts or shack personnel

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Date: June 23, 2006
Characters: Umbridge, past and former ministry, hogwarts or shack personnel (add your tags as you answer)
Location: The sky
Private/Public: Privately delivered
Rating: ?
Warnings: ?
Summary: Questionnaire for past and present ministry employees (as well as all personal at the Shack and at Hogwarts)

General questions )

Aurors Only )

Shack personnel only )

Hogwarts and Primary School staff )


Personal attachments to the questionnaire:

Nymphadora Lupin )

Remus Lupin )

Terry Boot )

Cormac McLaggen )

Severus Snape )

OWL: Guilian to Gabrielle

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Date: 23 June 2006
Characters: Guilian, Gabrielle
Location: The sky
Private/Public: Private (although no doubt Umbridge will snoop)
Summary: Guilian really wants to see Gabrielle again, and sends her a gift.

Mademoiselle Delacour )

RP: Teatime with Pansy

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Date: 24 June 2006
Characters: Pansy Parkinson, Polly Parkinson, Morag Dolohova, mentions of Harry Potter, Millicent Bulstrode, Justin Finch Fletchley, and Ella Bulstrode (others add your tags)
Location: 212 Cicero Lane, Hogsmeade
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions of potion abuse
Summary: It's the day Pansy invited everyone she knew to tea. At least all the girlfriends and mummies that she a Superhero.

Tea for....a bunch )

RP: A Hidden Fear

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Date: 24 June 2006
Characters: Damian Montague, mentions of Cass Vasiey
Location: the Shack
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: While Verity is at tea, Montague visits Cass in what he hopes isn't for the last time.

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