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Below are the 8 most recent journal entries recorded in Beyblade's InsaneJournal:

    Saturday, January 10th, 2009
    10:28 am
    Beyblade fandom help needed!
    The Beyblade article on Fan History Wiki needs your help! The article is supposed to give a history of the fandom. At the moment, it isn't doing that very well. It only has very basic information. It needs more. Whatever information you can add, from a date added on the timeline to a fandom specific term to how big a fansite or community is, that would be really great!

    Fan History also has a directory of Beyblade fans with 5,100 articles. The articles about members of the fandom are a neat way to promote yourself, people in the fandom you love and as a way of warning people away from wankers and other fandom trouble makers! They also help give an interesting picture of the fandom's history by showing which fandoms Beyblade fans came from, what fandoms they joined after leaving the Beyblade fandom, who the big name fans are, etc.

    Explanations are needed as to why the Beyblade fan fiction community acts the way it does. Why were 16 storis deleted on September 23? Why were 23 stories deleted on October 3? Why were 29 stories deleted on November 25? Why was December 26th such a busy posting da? Answers needed!
    Sunday, November 9th, 2008
    10:55 am
    Due to the lack of news coming into the U.S about the new series, and the lack of fans on IJ, I will be making a weekly post in which members can comment with any questions, concerns, or just to chat about Beyblade. It will have the added benefit of keeping this place active during times of low activity.

    That's all ^_^

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Thursday, August 28th, 2008
    5:40 pm
    New Season/4th Season date confirmed
    The confirmed date for the new season of Beyblade seems to be January 2009. I've heard this from several sources, Beywiki, animenewsnetwork, etc. Any questions or any info anyone knows of?

    Current Mood: busy
    Thursday, August 14th, 2008
    10:28 pm
    You're not going to believe it
    But it's true. Ray Kon of Beyblade appeared in the fall issue of Vogue's fashion thing for teens. Might be able to get pic up. If you have one, send it me.

    Basically commenting on anime's influence on teen's hairstyles.

    Current Mood: busy
    Saturday, August 2nd, 2008
    5:27 pm
    Weekly Update
    Still alive, staying alive, and imploring anyone with Beyblade news to post it!
    Friday, May 2nd, 2008
    8:30 am
    Beyblade fandom help
    Can anyone help improve the Beyblade article on Fan History? It lacks some details and could really use with a few people adding additional details. It would be nice to have them added in the national community histories, the history of the Beyblade fandom on LiveJournal or anywhere else in the article. Any help in improving it would be very much appreciated. :)

    Fan History is also trying to create a directory of Beyblade fans. There are currently over 1,800 articles about members of the Beyblade fandom. It would be nice to make the directory more comprehensive, to add more articles about members of the fandom and to improve existing articles. If anyone could help with that, YAY! :)
    Tuesday, April 8th, 2008
    6:40 pm
    great news

    New anime of Beyblade this summer! Yeah!

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Friday, March 21st, 2008
    7:41 am
    To kick things off here, since it appears to just be me, I begin posting my fics here. Hopefully you guys will post stuff as well. Here is the first installment of
    Murders n' Stuff, a humorous Beyblade murder mystery.

    Fic )

    Current Mood: accomplished
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