June 21st, 2008

[info]just_be_mods in [info]betwixt_rpg

Hogwarts Farewell Dance [Friday, June 20th]

The Hogwarts House-Elves elves had been working tirelessly with a grumbling Filch to prepare the Great Hall for the Hogwarts Farewell Dance, and all the hard work had paid off. To everyone but Filch.

The Great Hall was covered in greenery, with a plant that resembled ivy but had fragrant pink flowers crawling all over the wall, and the ceiling looked like a clear sky at dusk, dark enough to see the stars faintly but not much darker than that. Candles decorated the walls, and so the room was a bit on the darker side, but it was easy enough to see. The table where the professors usually ate was filled with snacks and punch, which refilled as quickly as it ran out.

By the time 7 o'clock rolled around, students had begun to congregate outside the Great Hall, and the 7th years began to miss Hogwarts as they remarked how the school outdid itself each year, and the younger years wondered what sort of marvels awaited them for their last Farewell Dance in years to come.