June 11th, 2008

[info]trillo in [info]betwixt_rpg

Locked to Haysel and Donnie

Two weeks for sitting final examinations and it was no wonder the library was packed. It wasn't actually dead quiet (though Madame Pince was being the loudest, yelling at everyone to be quiet), but it was certainly better than the Great Hall with all its revision groups and younger students getting a bit stir-crazy.

Mostly 5th, 6th, and 7th years filled the tables, though the room had its fair share of younger, more dedicated students, and Donaghan Tremlett was having a difficult time finding a place to sit. After circling twice, he realised that he really had only two choices - the table with that curly-haired fourth year who kept staring at another fourth year's arse (Gordon Crumb something?) or the table with Haysel Proudfoot, his ex-girlfriend.

His tea leaves that week (since he decided to actually study Diviniation this term) had said something about opportunity and in most cases he would use the fact that his tea leaves said something as a reason to do the opposite, but he really might not have another chance before they all went home for the summer.

Taking a deep breath, Donaghan casually walked over to the table Haysel sat at alone (studying Transfiguration, worst class ever) and sat down, pulling out his books. It might have been more polite to ask, but he didn't want to give her the option of saying no.

[info]headcheerleader in [info]betwixt_rpg

Locked to Dempster

History of Magic was actually Heather's favourite class. And not just because it was so easy to sneak a makeup reapplication in the middle of Binn's lecture. Heather thought the material covered in History of Magic was important to learn about, despite what an unstimulating lecturer Binns was.

Unfortunately, despite this, it hadn't stopped Heather from using her open book as a pillow and what had been meant to be just a quick resting of the eyes had turned into a nap for at least the past thirty minutes. Everyone else in the library was far too consumed with their own studies to be terribly concerned by Heather passing out and so she had been left alone in her corner to snore away quietly.