The Best Deadly Sin - January 27th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

January 27th, 2012

At the Sin again. [Jan. 27th, 2012|03:55 am]
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[mood |chipper]

Iktomi had just gotten done removing some troublesome flashbacks from a car wreck survivor. He'd pocketed the money- he wasn't cheap, after all. Some people thought it was a scam, what he did for a living. But they also didn't realize he existed only partially in the physical and had more power on the spirit plane.

Well, to be honest with himself, he thought, he used to scam people... now he just overcharged. It wasn't as bad.

He decided to treat himself to a night out so he walks into the Sin and sits down at the bar, intending to order his usual mojito and some pub mix. He is enjoying the music and thinks to himself he might want to hook up for a one-night stand.

All in all, he's in a good mood. He's in his natural form. He scratches his back a little, and frowns a little, though.
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