Be Original's Journal
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Tuesday, December 11th, 2007

    Time Event
    So, hopefully it won't take too long to get this community up and running. First off, introduction posts:

    name (username, penname, w/e):
    preferred genre/ subject?:
    a little about yourself:

    so for me:
    name (username, penname, w/e): Kurada
    artist/writer/both?: both <3
    preferred genre/ subject?: fantasy, humor, romance/ people, creatures
    a little about yourself:
    I spend a lot of my time either writing or drawing (including when I'm supposed to be working ^^;) I'm considering taking commissions, and writing drabbles if reqested :)

    so now, that that is out of the way:
    themes? would people prefer giving suggestions for different theme sets (as in, I give a title for the set, and you guys give me themes to place in them)? or would it be better if I just make a few sample sets, and let you guys vote on them? I would like us to have at least four sets to start off with.

    Current Mood: artistic
    Current Music: alkaline trio- 100 stories

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