Benden Weyr - A Private Storyline's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Benden Weyr - A Private Storyline

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[17 Mar 2013|11:19pm]
Who: Kenzie, K'rin; then Kenzie & F'lox
When: The evening after K'rin's off-camera demotion.
Where: The Weyrbowl/K'rin's weyr. Then Fen's weyr.
Summary: Kenzie and K'rin are supposed to have a date. That... doesn't work out. THIS IS ALL LYRRA'S FAULT. (To be fair, she feels really bad.) Then Kenzie goes to find her brother and find out what the shells happened.

What do you mean no?! )

[ viewing | March 17th, 2013 ]
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