Who: Madison Tanner What: Memory post! Where: Outside in the hall on the first floor. When: Late afternoon after the landlord's post. Warnings: None yet. Notes: It's a really short post. The responses will be longer.
Madison, unlike most of the other tenants in building hadn't read the Landlord's post yet, though the police cars and tape didn't go unnoticed by her. Her aunt and uncle didn't care for it and even discussed the possibility of moving. Given their money issues, the topic didn't stay on the table for long. She wouldn't have wanted to leave anyway, there was something about this place she was drawn to, even if the landlord creeped her out immensely.
Returning home from school, she opened their apartment door to her dear sweet little Rex jumping up and down for her...then taking off like a shot away. "Rex!" she cried, racing after him.