June 30th, 2010

[info]tooth_breaker in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Vlad and Max
What: "We need to talk"
Where: P3
When: June 20th, between 9:30 and 10 PM
Warnings: Existential crisis, sadness, and probably swears.

Your head will collapse like there's nothing in it and you'll ask yourself - where is my mind? )

[info]thimbledarling in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Tegan and Nicky
What: Coma Dreams Log [Complete]
Where: Dreamscape
When: The day after the group plot? After this.
Warnings: Shmoopiness, some memory loss

Do you dream in comas? )

[info]blackcatsrbad in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Cole and Ileana
What: Illy wakes up :D {completed log}
Where: Orange County Hospital
When: Early morning on the 19th
Warnings: None

he had no concept of time )

[info]beaute_endormie in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Rosalie and Gina
What: Waking up.
Where: Orange County Hospital
When: A few hours after this
Warnings: Possible drug mentions and probable unhappiness

they had moved her; when had that happened? )

[info]wickedwicker in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Luther and Joanie
What: Getting to the airport then waiting for their plane
Where: Lobby -> Road -> Airport
When: Around 12:30 the day after they get back
Warnings: Bromance.

Well the devil's nipping at your heels and this time it's for real. )

[info]nineteen_stars in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Isobel and Archer
What: an impromptu meeting
Where: 102
When: evening of June 22
Warnings: none so far

There's a whole lotta hurt to go around it seems. )

[info]nylonghorn in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Pete and Lena
Where: The hospital
When: After she gets there and the hospital calls him as her emergency contact (these two suck at getting divorced)
What: I love awkward!
Rating: Mild I'm sure, they're still pretty vanilla

Taxi! )