May 28th, 2010

[info]bellum_anon in [info]bellumlogs

transformation plot end

Who: Open
What: Transformations back and reactions to the voice posts.
Where: Various
When: Sunrise
Warnings: None

The sun peeked over the horizon and, finding everything in order, rose, letting the full moon fade into obscurity for another month.

If the swiftness of their arrival in the locked rooms had been a shock, the speed with which some of the tales found themselves back where they had been before had to be even more of one. The night had been busy and highly productive, in the right ways and in the wrong ones, and a few moments after being returned to where they had begun, they faded with the moon, transitioning back into the people they were the rest of the month.

[NOTES: This post is intended for transformations back and reactions to the posts left on the forums, particularly those left in this post.]