April 20th, 2010

[info]letalenarrator in [info]bellumlogs

Police Reports Log

Who: Everyone
What: The police have been called.
Where: The building.
When: Today
Warnings: TBA

The New York City Police Department is unimpressed by the amount of crime in the building, because there's a lot of crime in this particular area. However, due to recent events, they are knocking on doors and getting statements from residents about their whereabouts and doings in the last forty-eight hours. The lead detective is Carrey O'Malley, and he's one of the grizzled types that is not going to take no for an answer. Even if you are not at home during the initial visit, he will return and eventually track you down to your place of work. Please note what appears on any local law enforcement level background report.

There will also be a consulting FBI agent, Agent Chelsea, who will be informing O'Malley where the Bureau fits in--some characters may use this as a shield, but not if they meet O'Malley in person.

[Note: This is a log. You may write a short paragraph in third person, write what appears on O'Malley's notes in shorthand, offer dialogue in prose, or present any "red-tape bureaucratic bull" that Agent Chelsea may use to counter O'Malley's questions on behalf of your character. Expect O'Malley to continue your conversation with follow-up questions, particularly if your story is unsubstantiated.]

[info]deductively in [info]bellumlogs


Who: Iris Thorpe, Micah Braden, and Warren Eliot.
What: The Holmesians go investigating the screams
Where: The catacombs, basement and first floor.
When: After this conversation, and during the back end of this log.
Warnings: Language.

There were vines climbing the door, and the blood led away from the door and down, and even from here he could see the forest of green in the lobby. )

[info]acatalyst in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Micah, Iris, Eliot, Daniel, Ella, Vlad, Vaughn
What: Collision
Where: Outside 104 and beyond
When: Immediately after this and this
Warnings: Language, blood, medical things, torture talk?

He knows things off the top of his head that it would probably take me two weeks to look up )