March 22nd, 2010

[info]onestepcloser in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Derek, Finn, and later Deirdre and Milo?
What: Derek promised to go to Finn's place once he came back. Unfortunately Operation Missing Baby has begun.
Where: Deluxe Floor to start?
When: 12:05 AM ish?
Warnings: Swearing? Wtf-ery? Missing kids? Editted as needed.

Houston, we have a problem )

[info]bookshelved in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Ella and Daniel
What: A narrative + transformation log
Where: R1
When: Immediately after this, then at midnight.
Warnings: None and kissing.

You need only lay your ring on the table before you go to bed, when you have a mind to come back )
Tags: ,

[info]still_lotte in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Lotte and Bran
What: A first encounter.
Where: 1206-ish
When: Morning after the Fable plot
Warnings: A little creepiness? Nothing, really.

These little town blues are melting away )