February 6th, 2010

[info]shebringscurses in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Vaughn. Narrative.
What: She finds a baggie of pills.
Where: 1002.
When: After she discovers this. Probably a few days after it's left. After Rosalie, too.
Warnings: None.

I'm just a loner, baby. And now you've gotten in my way. )

[info]followthequeen in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Vicki and Rupert
What: Vicki wants her effing information
Where: 1201
When: Before the sunrise
Warnings: Foul mouthery

when it's watching for lies you can't escape my Private Eyes they're watching you they see your every move )

[info]ex_auguries536 in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Shiloh
What: Narrative
Where: Coming home
When: After this
Warnings: Normal Shiloh mention things and Biblical nonsense

And his kingdom shall have no end. )

[info]blackcatsrbad in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Cole and Aaron
What: An attempt to stop Aaron from running away.
Where: 104
When: After this and this.
Warnings: Cursing?
Notes: Puppies are cute.

interference is a go )