[ooc: wasn't sure of order, but posting since I haven't in a bit.]
Letting out a sigh, Oliver reached forward and touched his fingers to where the pointer was, though it took a moment to find it in the darkness of the room. Fingers settled for a moment, and the silence continued on in the room. "Looks like I'm safe to touch it. But I think Avery has the right idea. You and her need to be touching it, Ben, and Madison needs to keep her hands off. I have no idea if it needs me in or it not at this point." And then he sat back, folding his arms over his chest. Someone who had passed away, hm? Immediately his thoughts went towards Heather, a memory he really did not want to revisit. The guilt that surrounded it was nearly suffocating, and Oliver had to wonder if he had actually ever gotten over her death.
"So hands on deck, Avery and Ben. I don't mind going first. We'll get outta here sooner if we get on with it, won't we?"