Gratefully taking Avery's hand and righting herself so she was surely standing, she called out "I'm fine!" to everyone, taking the time to scrunch her eyes shut for thirty seconds, adjusting her eyes to the darkness. It was a trick she learned from her dad when she was accidentally in the barn after dark and had a hard time seeing her way around. Somewhat able to see the other three figures in the room, she made her way over to Ben, offering to help him over to the Ouija board.
Her lips thinned into a tight grimace, realizing exactly what they were going to have to do. So they all lost someone and were stuck in a room together to share that. How great. Maybe next time she could get herself stuck with a room full of orphans and really drive the point home. A lot to put on an eighteen year old's shoulders but she was willing to take it on. "Okay then. If that's what we gotta do then we gotta do it. Who's gonna start?"