He had been about to get himself a snack to keep him going through the later hours of the night when the world around him shifted suddenly, melding into the sight of a Victorian-style parlor surrounding not only himself, but three others, one of which he knew well. A brow arched in surprise, but for the moment he remained quiet, moving over to where the two women were staring at something on the wall.
"Knowing this place, it could mean anything and everything," Oliver murmured beneath his breath, and then he read the inscription aloud for Ben's benefit in case he didn't feel like joining their merry little party.
"Seems to be a riddle of some sort, and judging by the fact that the door seems firmly locked, a riddle we need to figure out before we get out of here." Folding his arms over his chest, he turned to look at the other three. "Nice pajamas," he noted with half a grin as he looked towards Madison, unable to help himself. "And unless anyone has any immediate guess as to what it all means, because I'm pretty sure I don't, how about we at least introduce ourselves? Since we seem to be stuck in here for the moment."