She sniffled again, trying to keep control on her emotions. Oh. If he was right, then that officer not coming back was not because she was a kid, but because supposedly the building was keeping them from getting the law in here. Somehow. "It's because of us too isn't it?" She gave a half laugh through her tears. "I mean with the full moon and stuff. I turn into, well I'm sure it's Dorothy unless there was someone else wearing checkered dresses and silver slippers."
"I know," she nodded at Cole. Despite how she felt about adults sometimes, less so than Aaron does did, every now and then someone was pretty good at surprising her. Mr. Evans was one of them. At least, he just seemed trustworthy and that made her feel better.
However, he was kind of right in the next bit of news being traumatizing as evidenced by her bulging eyeballs. "What, he what--" she sputtered, "--how could he--that's imposs--so he's like a zombie now?" She rubbed her forehead, clearly still in shock at the information. Was he just going to be a ghost and come back normal or was he going to pop out of the ground screaming BWAINS at every passerby. Worst of all... "Wait he's here?" she hissed. That was the saddest ickiest thing she ever heard.