"They're not going to help? Why not!" she childishly asserted, resisting stamping her foot in protest. It didn't work on her parents and it sure wasn't going to work on a teacher either. She remembered the officer who came and questioned herself and her uncle. He seemed like he would have helped, but she supposed it was just pure grownup crap, the stuff they would tell her when they were trying to make everything sugar coated prettiness so the blow wouldn't seem as harsh. Incidentally it never worked.
She paused in thought as she heard what Cole was saying, what he was asking. Someone in the building? As if wasn't hard enough just living here, knowing in the back of her mind the other tenants were...shady, now she actually had to stop ignoring it and address it directly. "Well, I'm not sure. I saw him fight one kid at school before he got in trouble and decided to go homeschooling, but that was it and he don't live here. I think there was someone he didn't like but it was so long ago, I don't remember, oh I wish I remembered," she sniffed, rubbing away a tear on her cheek. She only nodded at the mention of Balto. If Mr. Evans thought the guy could take care of Aaron's puppy, then that would have to be enough.
"Where are they gonna bury him?" she tentatively asked, not really sure she wanted to know the answer.