Shutting the door behind Cole, she chose to settle down on the couch opposite of him. Madison felt as though her insides were standing on a precipice, waiting for the confirmation that Aaron was dead. It was ridiculous, she knew it, he knew it, the police even probably knew it. Why she felt knowing the truth would bring any sort of peace was beyond her.
Except peace was something she would not receive. Her eyes scrunched shut when he apologized, hands clutching at her legs and refraining from telling him exactly what she thought of 'sorries,' but then the word murder fractured her thoughts. Immediately her eyes widened and hot prickly tears began threatening to spill. "He what?!" she almost shouted, forgetting where they were before struggling to return her voice to a non-irritable register. "How did that happen? Do the police have any leads? Is someone paying for this? What about Balto? Oh my-was that his blood that guy was talking about?" It was a miracle she hadn't tried shaking Cole by now just to get him to answer faster.