Cole swallowed heavily as the door was opened, offering a weak attempt at a smile. "Hi, Madison." He couldn't figure out what the hell to do with his hands, so he settled on sticking them in his pockets as he stepped inside.
The guilt that seemed to follow him constantly hadn't left, even though the logical part of him knew it wasn't his fault that Aaron had died. But he needed someone to blame, even now, and since there were no solid leads it seemed he was the only one to take at least some of it. He decided to sit in one of the chairs, waiting for her to sit before clearing his throat.
"I... well, there's really no easy way to say this, Madison. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but some things happened and I just... I'm sorry." He paused, reminding himself to stop apologizing every five seconds. "Aaron... he's dead. He was murdered." He winced at his own words, wishing there was a gentler way to break it to her.