At this point it looked like the girl was ready to deck her for...who knows at this point, existing. Eyes widening, Madison backed away even further, clutching her mail tightly as some sort of pathetic defense maneuver. She would have attempted to correct her on the inanimate object part actually being a person, but whatever happened to the girl that night was far worse than what Madison encountered.
It made her feel sorry for the girl, knowing whatever happened affected her to the point she was unwilling to talk about it with anyone, much less a stranger. However at this point while she may have felt pity, there was no way in hell she was going to express it now. Fight or Flight kicked in instead. "Okay then, I'm just gonna," Madison pointed in an opposite direction of the girl, "go, sorry for bothering you." And with that awkward statement, she hurriedly walked away back to her apartment. She needed a grilled cheese sandwich, that would calm her down.