Clearly, the powers that be didn't want Joanie to see whatever horrible mail - or horrible nothingness - was waiting for her in her mailbox. However, she wasn't the sort of person to give up just because it was the most sensical thing to do. No, Joanie was going to find that damn key if it killed her.
She began to fold in on herself as she rummaged through her bag, momentarily afraid that it was going to swallow her whole. Just as she felt her nose brush the side of the satchel, a strange voice yanked her out of the obsessive whirlwind that had consumed her. Stiffening, she looked up, gaze resting on a perfectly nice-looking girl that seemed quite friendly.
What a bitch.
Scowling, Joanie waved a hand dismissively. "Unless you know where my mailbox key has gone, no." She knew she should have just attached it to her room key, but no, that would have been the smart thing to do.