Ever since that incident that one night where she wasn't quite right, and not quite herself, Madison had been out of sorts in a way she couldn't quite put her finger on. It wasn't a bad thing but it wasn't a good thing either. Or at least whatever it was, she had a feeling it was something always latent within her that forcibly expanded out upon itself when everyone else in the building had the same issue. Madison was unsure. What she did know was that it meant something important. All of them were important, and it scared her as well excited her.
For right now, she held tightly on her day-to-day activities, finding joy in even the smallest of things. The day before it was easily finishing her project for English class. Yesterday it was getting a free apple for the twelve she bought. Today, it was hoping for the newest mag for Urban Outfitters. She already saved up and bought the money for a Diana+ camera for that old timey look she always loved in the photos her parents had taken in the years when she was born. She needed a new adjuster and more film reels, and so far UO's been the only place to make it a quick one pit stop instead of forcing her to make a longer trekking for all the accessories she'd like to add to make the photos even better. She hoped.
In the midst of getting the mail from her box, she noticed another girl muttering and swearing to herself over...who knows. "Hey, you need help looking for something?" Madison offered. Even in New York she refused to let go of the ideals of being cordial.